Current Committee Members:
Kate Ashie / Randy Ashie (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Karina Davis (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Suzanne Hu (Chair; interim Secretary)
Caroline Lifford (Little Diamonds Lead)
Catherine McGill (Treasurer; Social Weedia Lead)
Tom Newell (ASB & Enforcement Lead)
Vikram Mehta
Yvonne Senior
Kelly Taylor
Victoria Torrillas (Engagement Lead)
Hans Verhoosel / Olya Verhoosel
Cassandra Waterman (Health & Safety Co-Lead)
Georgia Wilson (Health & Safety Co-Lead)

​​​Membership of the Committee
Membership of the Committee is open to anyone who:
is aged 18 or over;
lives, works or has substantial ties to the area of Forest Gate North; and
supports the aims of The UP Garden,
but is limited to 20 Committee Members at any one time.
Please contact us if you are interested in joining the Committee.​ We accept applications on a case-by-case basis. Whilst it would be easier for us to have as many Committee members as possible, we think it is more important to ensure that our communities' different voices are equitably represented at the table.
In response to enquiries about our demographics, we wish to be open and can confirm that:
4 Committee Members live on the estate surrounding The UP Garden, and of those:
2 have lived on the estate since the 1980s,
1 has lived on the estate since the 1990s,
1 has lived on the estate since the 2000s;
all other Committee Members live within a 5-minute walk of The UP Garden, and of those:
1 has lived there since the 1980s,
2 have lived there since the 2000s,
5 have lived there since the 2010s, and
3 have lived there since the 2020s;​
taking all Committee Members as a whole:
2 have lived in Forest Gate since the 1960s (1 of whom has had family in Newham since the 1930s),
1 has lived in Forest Gate since the 1980s,
2 have lived in Forest Gate since the 1990s (1 of whom has lived in East London since the 1980s),
2 have lived in Forest Gate since the 2000s (1 of whom has had family in East London since the 1900s),
5 have lived in Forest Gate since the 2010s (1 of whom has had family in Newham since the 1890s, 1 since the 1960s, and 1 has had family in East London since the 1920s), and
3 have lived in Forest Gate since the 2020s (1 of whom has had family in Newham since the 1960s);
9 identify as being from the White ethnic group,
2 identify as being from the Black Caribbean ethnic group,
2 identify as being from a Mixed ethnic background (Black Caribbean and White),
1 identifies as being from the South Asian ethnic group, and
1 identifies as being from the East Asian ethnic group;
11 are under retirement age, and
3 are of retirement age.
In addition, we are in regular contact with several other residents on and around the estate (representing various ethnic backgrounds and with long-standing ties to Forest Gate) but who do not feel they can commit to being on the Committee. We take into account their views too when making decisions about The UP Garden.​