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Ladybirds are insects from the small beetle family. They are diurnal, which means they mostly come out in the day.

There is no specific name for male or female ladybirds. A baby ladybird is called a larva. A group of ladybirds is called a loveliness.


In the UK, ladybirds are found in parks, bushes and gardens. Adult ladybirds hibernate in hollow plant stems.

The ones we see in London tend to be the 7-spot ladybird.

What does it need?

Different ladybirds have very different appetites. The 7-spot ladybirds eat aphids, other small insects, and nectar.

What needs it?

The main predators of ladybirds are birds, but also frogs, spiders, dragonflies and wasps.

Aphids attack food crops. Ladybirds eat aphids, and therefore help edible plants to survive. Ladybirds also help to pollinate because they carry pollen around with them as they move from plant to plant.

Fun fact!

Ladybirds can lay up to 1000 eggs in one season. That's a lot of babies!

See a video here, and learn more here!

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